Uses of Witch Hazel Plant Bark, Leaves, Benefits & Side effects

Various parts of Witch Hazel have different ingredients. Therefore, you should understand the purposes of using witch hazel so that you can know the product that’s suitable for you and what parts of the plants it was made prior to the purchase. Make you you check always.

Uses and benefits of witch hazel

Studies on Witch Hazel

From numerous studies that have been carried out on witch Hazel which have achieved amazing results. There are institutions dealing with drugs and medicine products that have recommended Witch Hazel for minor skin injuries, hemorrhoids and complaints of varicose veins such as inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.


Also, the European umbrella organization of national societies for phytotherapy (ESCOP), in there assessment, recommends Witch Hazel for sprains, slight abrasions of the skin and the relief of atopic dermatitis atopica symptoms.

Still, external application of Witch Hazel water was recommended for sunburn, hemorrhoids, bruises, insect bites, as well as slight inflammation of skin and mucous membranes and skin redness.

The studies, which were carried on the cytotoxic effect of Witch Hazel are really amazing. In this study, the effect of Witch Hazel on colorectal cancer was explored and found that, the cortex can exert a protective effect.

Also in this study in 2008. Witch Hazel -, grape and pine extract here had been worked on and there could be evidence that Witch Hazel was able to show the best effect against colon cancer.

Natural healing with witch hazel

In a study conducted in Spain, it could be proven that the bark of Witch Hazel may have antioxidant ingredients.

Also, the sensitive scalp is well protected with Witch Hazel as the study from Switzerland could prove. This 1,373 patient suffering from irritable scalp diseases were provided with a shampoo containing Witch Hazel between August 2010 and December 2013.

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The result is that, the disease could be reduced significantly and the patients reported to achieve better health.


Effect of Witch Hazel

Because all parts of Witch Hazel have different ingredients, they are suitable for various conditions and diseases. With Witch Hazel leaves, inflammatory skin conditions can be alleviated and the patient get healed.


The Witch Hazel has a total of three medical ingredients, which are officially recognized.

This includes the Witch Hazel leaves, Witch Hazel bark, and the Witch Hazel water. The leaves of Witch Hazel are anti-inflammatory, as has already been proven in many studies.


You can use it on your skin, for the blood vessels as the mucous membrane also get strengthened and repaired and can therefore fight against minor inflammation or even hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

The leaves have a total anti-inflammatory properties pulling together. It helps in the following: analgesic (local), wound healing promoting, stabilize the blood vessel walls and skin irritation.


Witch Hazel leaves and their ingredients

In the Witch Hazel leaves, tannins are primarily available which are also responsible for the effect the leaves have. They work astringent, which means that the proteins in their form will be changed and thus a protective film can be made.


The mucous membranes are sealed in what promotes wound healing in injuries.

Also, the flavonoids which are present in the Witch Hazel leaves have similar properties and therefore support the tannins. In addition, the flavonoids have antioxidant effects. Witch Hazel leaves also have another use in folk medicine.

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They can be used in blood vomiting, diarrhea or mucous membrane diseases of the large intestine. It has been proven effective on bleeding gums. To do this, about 0.5 grams of Witch Hazel leaves are infused with 250 ml of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes.


After screening and gargle with the solution if necessary, Proceed with the Witch Hazel bark against Atopic Dermatitis; The bark can help many skin problems. It is used for example in atopic dermatitis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins and many other skin injuries.


It work similar like the leaves and can be used in treating bruises and bruising.

Witch Hazel bark and its ingredients

Also, the bark has a high proportion of tannins especially Gallotannins. Still, flavonoids and essential oils are included in the cortex. As well as for the leaves of the Witch Hazel tree, the tannins are of great importance so also the the bark.

For many skin complaints or even hemorrhoids, a full bath with Witch Hazel bark is a superb treatment. 20 grams of Witch Hazel bark with 1 liter of water should be boiled.


The broth should simmer for about 20 minutes before you can take it for your bath, with a temperature of approximately 35 to 38 ° C.

The bath time should take not more than 15 minutes. A rest period of approximately ½ hour should be maintained after the bath. Witch Hazel water, it relieves insect stings and sunburn.


As already described above, the Witch Hazel water is obtained by distilling fresh leaves. This means that there are no tannins in the Witch Hazel water and it mainly consists of essential oils.

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It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and healing effects and it can be successfully applied on the external human body. It has an astringent and purifying action which benefits primarily people with impure skin. Further, the Witch Hazel water has antioxidant effects and intercept free radicals.


People with impure or mixed skin can use Witch Hazel water very well as a facial toner as it reduces the production of sebum and refines the porous skin.

Witch Hazel water and its ingredients

In the Witch Hazel water, essential oils are mostly available and it is free of any tannins. As the leaves from which the Witch Hazel water is produced, they are enriched with linalool, alkanes, fatty acids and terpenes.


There is no specific ingredient thatnis solely responsible for the good effect because only in this combination, the Witch Hazel water can be so good on the skin.


Numerous human studies were performed, in particular on the Hamamelis water, thus, the outstanding effectiveness has been validated. In experiments on people with sunburn, the effect could show successes after 7 hours.


Also in conjunction with cortisone containing medication, it was compared to the Witch Hazel water and could work although not so strongly, but it was also discovered to have very good effects.

Witch Hazel water compresses very well when applied. For a compress, which can be applied to bruises or even insect bites, Witch Hazel water is simply diluted 1:3 with water. Soak a clean cloth in it and place on the affected area. With a gauze bandage, this can be quite fixed then.

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