Stevia healthy plant

Stevia-effect, application and studies
Stevia is what some still do not know a plant. The name of this plant corresponds to the botanical name Stevia rebaudiana. Besides stevia, this plant is also called dulcis or honey herb. This is because the Steviapflanze serves as a substitute for sugar.

Centuries ago This plant was used for the sweetness of food and drink. Especially in the mountains between Paraguay and Brazil, stevia was used in ancient times. Here is also the origin of this plant and it is still cultivated there today.

Of course, stevia has also become known in other countries in modern times and is being processed here for sweetener. This is especially the case in America. In America, stevia is particularly popular in various forms. Also in Japan the stevia leaves can be bought and here they are gladly used as a sugar substitute. Not only people who want to make a diet can sweeten food and drink, but also diabetics do not need to do without sweet things.

Here in Germany, however, stevia is not permitted as a sweetener or as a dietary supplement. So far, stevia can only be ordered in leaf form for this reason. However, the dried leaves here are not offered as food, but as a care product. Therefore, stevia can often be found in cosmetics. But as leaves in the dried state they are sold as bath additive.

Online it is also possible to read a lot about stevia in Germany and in the meantime scientists are also dealing with the effects and application of stevia here in the country. It is foreseeable that stevia will soon be approved here in Germany as a substitute for sugar, as is already the case in many other countries today. If you want to, you can of course order stevia as a sweetener online from the neighbouring countries.

It is also interesting that research, which has been done for some time, has found that stevia has its advantages not only as a substitute for sugar, but also has other medical advantages. Those who are a little concerned with the stevia plant will notice that stevia is in fact a miracle cure of nature, because it can even be used as a remedy. Here you can find the relevant information online.

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Scientific studies

Although there are already some studies on stevia, research is still quite early and in many areas further studies are needed to provide clear evidence of the rest of the scientific world. However, the studies already available reveal the healing effects of the stevia plant.

The natural peoples of South America, especially in Paraguay and Brazil, had long been aware of the healing properties of this plant, but the modern studies from the Western world have now shown how effective this natural remedy really is.

It is a good idea to learn more about stevia, especially if you intend to remove sugar from the diet and replace it with a natural product. Stevia is really good here, because this plant is as good as calorie-free and also good for health. What health benefits the consumption of stevia really has is to be seen from the following studies.

The university in Meerut, India, has investigated the importance of stevia as a nutritional supplement. The origin of stevia, the tradition as a sweetener and remedies and the various scientific studies were considered. The scientists here came to the conclusion that stevia is an effective natural remedy, but also a substitute for sugar, which will grow more and more important in the coming years worldwide. It was found that certain groups, i.e. diabetics and people who want to take off, will make use of stevia in particular.

Also interesting is the scientific study of the General Hospital of Massachusetts. Historical facts and expertise of scientists were also weighed up here. Certain studies have also been considered, focusing on toxins and side effects and also examining other criteria. It was important to find out whether stevia is safe to use and whether this vegetable sweetener could actually have a positive effect in high blood pressure and diabetes.

All scientific studies and data collected allow the conclusion that stevia is actually good for diabetes and other diseases and that the use of stevia does not bring any lasting side effects. Therefore, the use is safe. However, the scientists here also find that further research on this plant is necessary and that the scientific studies are not yet sufficient.

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The Department of Applied Nutrition in Mysore, India, presented a study dealing with diabetes and stevia, but also with stevia as an antioxidant. Rats were used as test objects for this study. 80 rats were tested. The rats were fed stevia with food and then the rats were examined to see what effect stevia has on the glucose level in the body.

Investigations have also been carried out dealing with side effects. It was found that no liver or kidney damage occurred with the consumption of stevia in the rats. It was even found that stevia had a positive effect on the blood glucose in rats. Of course, this was only an animal experiment, but this can lead to the conclusion that such an effect is also possible in humans. Further studies are in any case still necessary.

Many of the studies that can be found online here deal with other topics such as the ingredients and active substances of stevia. There are also some studies which investigate stevia as a medicinal plant. Also interesting are the studies carried out on stevia as contraceptives.

The natural populations in the mountains of Brazil have used stevia as contraceptives a long time ago, and the scientists are now interested in what it is about.

Of course, not all the scientific studies you find here online are from the German area. Rather, most studies originate from abroad, but here online they can be found uniformly in English.

If you look at the studies a little more closely, you will find that stevia is a very versatile herbal product, even if the research on this plant and its healing powers has not yet been completed. Some scientific studies have been carried out as animal experiments and studies with human subjects are still lacking in order to collect further data.

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However, the scientists are quite certain that Stevia has no sustainable side effects, because they could not be identified in all studies.

Stevia is a plant that originates from a mountain region in South America and has been used for centuries as a substitute for sugar and remedies. Meanwhile, Stevia is also sold in other countries and further processed as a sweetener. Here in Germany stevia is not yet approved as a sweetener or sugar substitute.

However, it is still possible to buy stevia in Germany, albeit only as a skin care product for the external application. If you want to buy stevia, you can get the dried stevia leaves in reform houses and organic stores. Stevia can also be ordered online.

The further processed sweetener can also be ordered online from other countries. However, the stevia leaves or the stevia powder are highly recommended.

The processing of stevia leaves is very simple. A small amount of dried leaves are poured with hot water. This tea/broth should then draw a little. Then the broth can then be processed further. Those who use broth for sweet food or drinks should know that stevia has a very high sweetening. Stevia is much sweeter than sugar, which is why only small quantities of this natural sweetener are necessary.

Whoever makes the broth to apply it on the outside will produce it in the same way. Again, the leaves are poured with hot water. Then the broth can be easily added to the bath water. The broth can also be used as a face water or a wound care product.

To do this you simply dunks a cotton ball in the broth and dabs it to the affected skin area. Stevia is very good against acne and inflammation. Also, the wound healing can be stimulated and accelerated with the use of stevia. Stevia is an effective medicinal plant for digestive problems and other ailments in the stomach and bowel area.

Moreover, stevia is good for cholesterol and also for blood glucose levels. This is why stevia is particularly recommended for diabetics.

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