St John’s Wort-Hypericum perforatum Uses, Benefits & Effects

St. John’s wort contains inter alia, Hypericin, Hyperoside, essential oil, tannins.

St. John’s wort is a herbal anti-Depressant. It has a mood-elevating and calming effect and is often used in menopause and bedwetting can also be dealt with by the plant.

St. John’s wort oil works good for rheumatism and lumbago, promotes wound healing, having a soothing effect on sprains, bruising, and shingles.

The plant is also used for insomnia and menstrual cramps.

The active ingredient Hypericin causes inflammatory redness of the skin and ulcers in bright animals, such as white horses and sheep, which are then exposed to light (photo awareness). The animals are restless, rolling, have swollen lips, and Chin.

Severe poisoning deaths are possible. A poisoning for bright guinea pigs, rats, and mice are possible.

1 mg of pure Hypericin was injected into animals and the animal died after 2 hours of sunlight. Because the plant flowers received the name,  “St. John’s day” on (June 24).

It is usually referred to as black or spotted black. The scientific name, genus, Hypericum is from the Greek. The Greek word hypertonic means big.

St. John’s wort oil is the best skincare oil that we know today for the capillaries in the skin and nerves.

St John's Wort Hypericum perforatum

External applications

As a Vulnerary, popular as a Nervine, in addition to cosmetic skin oils.

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Burns and sunburn

Rub it on swelling skin, gout, neuralgia, rheumatism, sciatica, muscle pain, and hemorrhoids.


Against ulcers and eczema

It is used for the care of skin irritation, treatment of scars and stretch marks.

It is also used to prevent bedsores (decubitus) on patients’ bedspreads, baby care, and if hands are chapped and red.

Excessive flaking can be addressed successfully if St. John’s wort oil is rubbed on the scalp as long as possible; you can even soak (possibly overnight) and then wash. Then rub onion hair tonic.

Cradle cap and Eczema of children

Cold pain



You soak a cloth with hot black oil or touch a clay mash with St. John’s wort oil and put it in another very hotbed bottle.

You can support the healing trend of the body with a good skincare. You brush the body daily until a slight redness occurs, and oil up with St. John’s wort oil.


Internal applications

St. John’s Wort has proven to help in treating nervous anxiety and sleep disorders.

In addition, it is used traditionally for Burns, blunt trauma, cramps, and nervous stomach complaints.

Beyond its traditional use, it’s also used against mucous membrane inflammation, menstrual cramps, muscle cramps, nervous complaints.

Also Read:  5 Common Causes/Types of Skin Burns

Also, St. John’s Wort is used against the following health issues

  • Neuralgia
  • Rheumatism
  • Grief reaction
  • Depressive mood states
  • Wound care
  • Worm infestation
  • Mental anxiety
  • Nervous strain
  • Bed-wetting
  • Fatigue syndrome
  • Nervous stomach complaints
  • Bile disorders
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Varicose veins, and liver disease

The tea is traditionally used for menopausal symptoms, painful menstrual cramps, psycho-vegetative syndrome, sleep States, anxiety, and depressive mood States.


St. John’s wort experiences

Preparations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) in the traditional herbal medicinal products for the treatment of mild to moderate depressive mood States.

The real St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a species that is widely used in Europe. St. John’s wort is one of the most important medicinal plants grown in Germany.

Depression has increased significantly in recent years in the USA and also in Germany but this can not be compared to the high level of depression in the African continent due to poor governance and management of resources.

About 10 percent of German citizens are affected by treatment of depression. But only about a third of them are undergoing medical treatment, while in the US, approximately 7.0% of the population are suffering from depression.

Studies have shown that St. John’s wort extract can inhibit the neural recording of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine as other antidepressants.

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This mechanism of action of St. John’s wort extract is mediated mainly by the large compound.


St. John’s Wort for depression and Anxiety

You can hardly see antidepressant herbal that is spectacular like the St. John’s wort in recent years.

It has antidepressant substances and the harshest critics don’t even question its effectiveness.

On the contrary: the herbal antidepressant St. John’s Wort has now more than 40 clinical therapeutic studies showing that its treatment success for lighter (up to a medium) depression with the synthetic antidepressants is similar.

It is also used for some conditions such as depression, body-related errors, grief reaction, Burnout Syndrome, premenstrual disorders, menopause, tinnitus (ringing), chronic pain.

There may not be a side but that’s only when a small amount is used. However, you should consult your doctor to know if there’s a possibility of side effects.

In the interactions with other drugs, there are however clinical findings, which are to check in each case.

Overall, St. John’s wort – applies at least to a large part of the (easy-medium) depressive States, as a treatment alternative because depression can not be only stressful, but also dangerous; your doctor should solely decide the therapy, control everything and determines the conclusion of treatment.

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