Shiitake Mushroom Nutrition Facts

Shiitake Mushrooms Nutrition

Shiitake mushrooms is popularly known in Asia as Chinese and Japanese cuisine.

In China and Japan, the Shiitake mushrooms have been appreciated in medicine for thousand of years ago.

This fungus was used in tumors, stomach ailments, headaches as well as inflammation and many other ailments.

Those who eat Shiitake mushrooms often should get relieved from the symptoms of the mentioned diseases.

Benefits of shiitake mushrooms

Origin and Harvest of Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms come from China and Japan and have been used here for many years as food mushroom, and medicine.

It has a light to dark brown hat and the stalk is usually in the middle. At the young stage, the hat is rolled inward.

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The mushroom slats have a yellowish color and the hat is filled with delicate flakes.

The king of the Shiitake mushrooms, on the other hand, has a dark hat and the mushroom body is covered with white patterns. Especially in the fresh stage the Shiitake smells very aromatic and reminds a little of garlic.

But also dried the Shiitake mushroom has a pleasant fragrance. Shiitake grow on a wide variety of deciduous trees that can have hard wood.

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Shiitake Mushroom Nutrition

Shiitake is full of important ingredients that are good for body and mind. This is why it has been used for several thousand years in traditional Chinese medicine as a cure for numerous ailments.

In particular, the protein content is very high and therefore a valuable protein supplier for athletes, vegetarians and vegans.

Also the mineral potassium is represented in high quantity in Shiitake and is particularly important for nerves and muscles.

Due to potassium deficiency, there may be fatigue, dizziness, headache and nausea. But it can also cause constipation, muscle cramps or paralysis in a potassium deficiency.

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Despite the numerous ingredients, Shiitake contains almost no fat, cholesterol and hardly any fiber, which is especially interesting for sportsmen and sportswomen.

Yet there are other beneficial ingredients in Shiitake:
Ingredients per 100 g
Shiitake Fresh
Fibre (g)
Biotin (μg)
Iron (MG)
< 1
Protein (g)
Energy (KCAL)
Fat (g)
< 1
Potassium (MG)
Carbohydrates (g)
Niacin (NÄ) (MG)
Pantothenic (MG)
Phosphorus (MG)
Vitamin B1 (μg)
Vitamin B2 (μg)
Vitamin D (μg)
Water (g)

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