How to Organize Fitness Programs in Schools to Improve Health

    School fitness program is the totality of activities that the school provide for the general well being of the school children undergoing learning in a formal setting.


These activities on programs are meant to improve the pupils well being by stressing good attitudes, physical activities and a conducive environment for proper growth and development. Inter class activities, inter house sports activities, break period time activities.



  1. It helps to determine the physical status of an athlete.
  2. It helps to identify athletes or pupils that are deficient in one of the physical fitness components.
  3. It helps to classify athletes or pupils according to their performance level.
  4. It helps in measuring the progress of athlete as it relates to performance.
  5. Test documentation aids in the selection of activities and planning programmes for the athletes.




LETTER GRADING: Letter grade are mostly used for reporting and recording purposes. Usually, the six- letter grading system; that is, A B C D E and F is usually used. This grades are usually converted into numerical and descriptive grades.



A.        EXCELLENT 5

B           V.GOOD.  4

C.         GOOD/AVERAGE 3


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NUMERICAL GRADING: There are several numerical grades such as percentage, point-system, percentile etc. All these can easily be converted into letter grade, the percentage method is very common, so it will be explained as indicated below


70-100.    Excellent

60-69.   V good

50-59.    Good,

45-49.    Below average

40-44     Average

0-39        Fail


This method set standard based on the percentage obtained out of possible points.


DESCRIPTIVE GRADE: It is very good for use most especially in basic schools but it could also be used in advanced education. It has many forms but the most commonly used one is in the form of a letter written by the teacher describing in details the pupils’ progress.


This method has the advantage of allowing the teacher a lot of freedom to indicate the complete assessment.


COMBINATION GRADE METHOD: In this method, letter grade, numerical and descriptive grade are combined to form the total report of each athlete.



There are four major types.

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Weekly Record: This is when you appraise the students’ performance in weekly basis and give it to the students.

Terminal Record: Appraisal of students on termly basis I.e at the end of the term, you give results to the students.

Annual Record: Appraisal of students on annual basis. That is, at the end of the session.

Cumulative Record: The fitness record starting from weekly, termly and annually. It is the total or accumulation of the results at the end of the school year. It means after the end of the school program.



  • To serve as basis for participating in vigorous training programmes which will not be gotten from the normal school programme.
  • To provide the basis for the improvement of skills through continued and regulated practice and through supervision.
  • To allow for improvement in the physical capacity of school pupils.
  • To help develop social consciousness and interaction with regards to the requirements of good living.
  • To provide a forum for common interest which in this case is playing a particular game together.
  • To provide an improved leadership and followership.
  • To create an avenue for processing a beneficial recreational activity.
  • To build good citizen by bringing pupils together to learn values, skills and other qualities that can contribute to daily living.
  • To help build confidence IR freedom which is so essential to youth
  • To provide a forum for developing good sportsmanship.
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  • The formation of fitness club should be natural and homogeneous.
  • Interest groups or interested group should be organized into teams for individuals to compete against each other.
  • School students could assist in officiating, scoring and record keeping.
  • The club (students) will be responsible for issuing, Caring for and checking in equipment and supplies.
  • The club officers or the group officers should be elected by the students in the group.
  • Competitions should be organized from time to time among other schools
  • The formation of fitness clubs should be coeducational in nature.
  • Training for the various fitness club should be put at such a time that does not clash with the normal school program.
  • Fitness club should serve as an extension of the normal physical education class where skills are learnt, practise and utilized.


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