Rose Hip Fruit, Nutrition, Seed Oil, Benefits & Side Effects

Health Benefits of the Rosehip


The rosehip serves as alternative remedies, especially because of the valuable ingredients.

Each rose hip is rich in vitamin C, much more than in other fruit, even citrus fruit.

For the strengthening of the immune system and the fight against various diseases, it is important to take this vitamin with food.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is covered by small amounts of rose hip in any case.

Here, it is acceptable to take a teaspoon of rosehip marks per day.

Also, the rose hips can be used as dried fruit and powder for the brewing of tea.

Here, a cup of tea is enough each day. Another important ingredient that’s included in the wild rose is the pectin.

Health effects of rose hip extracts

The purified rosehip can therefore be taken. It has laxative effect and therefore, affects the intestines and thus for example, blockages can be treated and prevented.

The detoxifying effect is also good for the kidneys and the rosehip can also be used as a cure for kidney disease.


It is interesting to understand the effectiveness of hips in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

The hip has anti-inflammatory substances so also an analgesic effect.

If there’s anyone that suffers from osteoarthritis, the person can experience a drastic improvement with the use of rosehip.


Rose hip Nutrition

Rosehip also improves the general well-being of man. This is due to the many vitamins and minerals contained in the hip.

Ingredients that are found in the rose hip are:


Vitamin C

Vitamin A

Vitamin B

Vitamin E

Vitamin K




Citric acid




Important nutrients such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are also found in the rosehip.

These ingredients are effective especially for skin care.

The skin cells are regenerated and thus slows down the aging process.


Small wrinkles can be cleared out completely with the application.

Also, the rosehip can be applied to Acne the and helps improving the appearance of the skin.

Also, the antioxidants that are found in the Rosehips are important.

For example, The flavonoids and polyphenols help to lower cholesterol and other diseases such as for example heart – circulatory problems can be effectively prevented and fought by the antioxidants.

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Antioxidants are known to be effective in the fight against free radicals. The hip is a very effective remedy and it can be used in a diverse ways.

In scientific studies, and by the tradition of folk medicine and the experiences here online, it has been proven.


Any Side effects of Rose Hip?

Side effects of taking the rose hip are not known yet. The hip is well tolerated.

It has no serious side effect but you should know that the high intake of rose hip may cause disturbances.

For example, rose hip contains large amounts of vitamin C which can cause headaches, nausea, and other symptoms when you take too much than necessary.

Interactions with other drugs are not known. However, it is worth to speak, if one has a natural remedy for a longer period of time, it may counteract and you not do things without the consent of your doctor.

People who already take drugs such as blood thinners or similar drug should definitely talk to their doctor about a treatment with rose hip before they embark on any medication.


Internal Use of Rose hips

Rosehip has versatile fields of application. One of the best applications for the rose hip is the area of stomach and intestines.

The rose hips can be used here at for various health complaints.

Whether you suffer from diarrhea, constipation or other intestinal diseases, with the extract of rosehip, you can successfully combat this suffering.

The intestinal functions are regulated by the application of rose hip. Also, if you have stomach pain or ulcers in the stomach, you will feel a positive impact by the ingestion of wild rose.

Also, rosehip can be used as indicated for the treatment of urinary tract infections.

If you would like to improve your general well-being, you should think of the application of rose hip in any case.

The wild rose has many valuable ingredients which are effective when taken and improve your performance.

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Health Benefits of Rose hip on Immune System

The immune system will be strengthened and fights viruses and bacteria easily and even repelled them So you can prevent colds and other viral infections that occur more rarely through the regular use of rosehip.

Especially in the winter time, when colds occur frequently, it is worth to take rose hips in various dosage forms to prevent it.

Another reason for the intake of rose hip is heart health. Scientists have long worked on this topic and found out that, taking rose hips can prevent that the vessels with grease clog.

This prevents and fights cardiovascular diseases because, heart blockage can lead to heart attacks or strokes.



Effects of Rose hip on Blood Pressure

The active ingredients of wild rose can also lower blood pressure, so, it can also  be recommended for use here.

Arthritis can be treated very well with rose hip as Studies have shown that the pain can improved with the use of rosehip, because the rosehip has anti-inflammatory properties.


Rose hips on Skin Acne

These anti-inflammatory properties are also a reason for the application for many other diseases and suffering.

Therefore, the fruit is highly welcomed for the treatment of skin diseases and acne.

For the application in arthritis and similar diseases, you can use the rosehip powder very well.

Rosehip powder must not be made, but you can buy it in pharmacies or in the health food store.

In addition, it is possible to buy even larger packs of rosehip powder online.

Rose hips can be used in jams. Interesting is the use of rose hip in liqueurs and cocktails.

Would you like to try wild rise in cooking, we are going to cover the recipes very soon on our blog here.

But before then, there are some rosehip products that can be ordered Online, there are for example, various hips jams.



Rose-hip and Osteoarthritis

Many scientific studies demonstrated a special curative effect of the rosehip on osteoarthritis.

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Especially the anti-inflammatory effect. If the rosehip powder is taken regularly, it helps the joints to move better.

And if these joints that can move better are better provided with fluids and nutrients, it thus needed fewer painkillers, because the arthritis is improved.

It is important to know that you dont need so much hip to achieve an effect. Here, a freshly brewed tea or a little rosehip powder can be rich to take positive effects.

Most of the tea bags you can get in the supermarkets have no effects.


The Analgesic Effects of the Rose hip

Most of the scientific studies come from Europe. They are very interesting and we should look at why they are. A study here comes from Freiburg.

It was by Prof. Dr. med. Sigrun Chrubasik performed at the Institute of legal medicine at the University of Freiburg.

112 patients with chronic back pain were examined during this study. It had been known for long that the hip is effective in healing arthritis and relieve pain relief.

Do you now want to know whether this is aldo the case with chronic low back pain.

The study took place over a period of one year. The patients were treated with 5-10 gram rosehip powder per day; half of the patients received a placebo product.

It was found that, after a few weeks, Rosehip powder has been effective and reduces the the back pain.

Over the period of one year, the pain could be reduced up to 60%. It was also possible to reduce the quantities of rosehip powder that was taken over this period since it has been showing good results.

The result is amazing and it proves that the  rose hip is an alternative remedy indeed.

Do you wonder if this can be taken with the traditional pain medications, or even replace the pain medicines, it’s important to tell you that, not every patient has this success with the rosehip powder, but still, the results are important enough to try the rose hip to cure chronic pain.

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