Gluten-Free Psyllium Husk, Fiber, Powder Health Benefits: Weight Loss, Diarrhea

The health effects at a glance
Psyllium for constipation
Today, many people suffer from chronic constipation (constipation). The women are affected much more often than men.

Constipation is caused in particular by lack of exercise, as well as the modern, low-fiber diet.

Psyllium can contribute to alleviate the complaints here. Psyllium work this gently laxative.

Due to the swelling of the gums, stool volume and thus also the filling pressure is increasing on the intestinal wall.

The intestinal peristalsis is stimulated, the Chair faster transported and thrown the reflex for bowel movements.

Psyllium anti-diarrhea

With diarrhea, the anti-diarrhoeal effects of psyllium source materials comes to fruition.

The source materials are able to bind large amounts of water in the intestine and cause such an effective thickening of the intestinal content and extending the transit time in the large intestine.

The mucus protects on the intestinal mucosa and binds the bacterial toxins that are often formed during diarrhea.

Psyllium and the metabolic syndrome: blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, obesity.

In Germany for example, approximately 25% of the population of the metabolic syndrome are affected, with rising and unknown number of unreported cases. The disease is equally often affect men and women.


Patients are usually over 60 years of age, however, the number of cases is growing also on steadily in the under 60 years. Children and young people are increasingly affected.


The four main risk factors of the metabolic syndrome (called a “Deadly Quartet”) include:

  • An increased blood glucose.
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • Obesity and high blood pressure.

Psyllium can have positive effects on these four diseases. Psyllium can reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics easily.

Through the psyllium, the intestinal content is viscous and the carbohydrates contained in it are delayed. This applies in particular to the carbohydrate glucose, causing blood sugar spikes.

The insulin response is improved. Psyllium is also very effective as it may reduce the serum concentrations of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol without affecting the concentration of “good” HDL cholesterol.

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Cholesterol and bile acids are bound by the swollen on mucilage in the small intestine and thus prevented the resumption in the intestine; This binds in such a way that, it automatically increases excretion.

Epidemiological studies also suggest that the water-soluble dietary fiber contained in the psyllium can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.


Psyllium can be useful also for weight loss in overweight because the seeds can lower calories.

The nagging feeling of hunger will decrease and the patient would take less food.


Psyllium in pregnancy, hemorrhoids and anal fissures

The use of flea seed products is also helpful for the regulation of chair consistence during pregnancy, in anal fissures, hemorrhoids and after rectal-anal operations. The Chair is soft and so much glide enabled by the source materials.

This can prevent the often extremely painful bowel movements for hemorrhoids and fissures. The quality of life of patients will rise significantly.

Psyllium for irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

More than 10% of the population in USA and Germany are affected by irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Here, psyllium in severe chronic diarrhoea can lead to a significant relief of discomfort as the mucilage have a soothing effect on irritated and inflamed intestinal sections.

It Could be shown in a study published in the British medical Journal BMJ 2009  that Indian psyllium was far better able to alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, as for example flax seed.

Psyllium as Remedy for animals

Psyllium is being used as animal medicine for a long time. Psyllium peelings are approved by the European Union as a single feed for animals such as dogs, cats, and horses so also in people, primarily for the treatment of gastro intestinal disorders, digestive disorders and to regulate Chair.

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In horses, the seeds are usually used as treatment to prevent the dreaded and for the animal life-threatening sand colic.

To do this, a four-week psyllium Spa is performed usually twice a year, to remove the sand deposited in the digestive tract and digestive disorders.

The psyllium is usually well eaten and are very well tolerated for the animals. In the trade, there is a suitable means for any purpose.

The dosage and preparation instructions are described in detail on the packaging. For further questions, contact your veterinarian.

 External use of psyllium

Psyllium are also ideal for external use with boils, abscesses and sprains, dislocations and other blunt injuries of the locomotor system.

The psyllium in the form of pulp envelopes are used for this purpose.

Soak seeds in warm water for the treatment of abscesses and boils, treatment of sprains etc.

However, soak the seeds in cold water. A spreadable paste should arise, which is applied to the area to be treated and covered with a cloth. You can soak the porridge one to several hours.

Pulp residues can be easily removed with water. The warm pulp softens the inflamed site, soaks up excess tissue fluid and promotes wound healing.

The cold porridge to the treatment of blunt injuries dissipates heat from the injured area and is so cooling. Here too, the pulp takes tissue fluid so that swelling can go back faster.

Compatibility and contra-indications

The safety and the correct use of psyllium and psyllium peelings
Psyllium are very well tolerated and side effects are relatively rare when used correctly.

Often, to apply it properly, you should ensure sufficient fluid intake. Especially at the beginning of the treatment, feeling of fullness and pressure feelings occur in rare cases of bloating or even mild digestive disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

These side effects are usually harmless and disappear after a few days and a certain habituation mostly by themselves.

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Very rarely, even allergic reactions are possible: colds, bronchial spasms, conjunctivitis, and skin reactions.

This is common when using psyllium powder; as the case may be that, the fine dust inhaled or get on the skin.

In these cases, it can be remedied by using whole shells, seeds powder or capsules.

Also, the intake of specially purified peelings of of psyllium, whereby certain proteins have been removed, can help to avoid allergic reactions.

Take psyllium when you are not lying down or in the evening before going to bed.

The psyllium or psyllium husks could swell in the esophagus and thus obstruct breathing. If it should occur after ingestion or swallowing, pain in the chest, feelings of tightness or shortness of breath may occur and a doctor should be consulted immediately because it ca lead to suffocation. Interactions with other drugs are not known so far.


Contra-indications – when not to use psyllium

The intake of psyllium products should be avoided for some diseases. In case of doubt, consult also your doctor or medical specialist.

Some of them include, narrowing of the esophagus or digestive tract, intestinal obstruction, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, rectal bleeding, megacolon or a known hypersensitivity.

Also, it should be taken by insulin-dependent diabetic patients, children under 12 years of age, as well as by people who need to restrict their daily drinking quantity or their total liquid intake for health reasons.

This may be the case for example with certain dysfunction of the heart and kidneys.

You should also avoid simultaneous taking of certain medicines and other source means: Cumarinderivaten (means inhibit blood clotting), intestinal motility inhibitory diarrhea or pain relievers (such as loperamide, opioids), lithium and iron supplements due to the reduced consumption of active ingredient during the treatment of psyllium.

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