Tips to help Preventing Periodontal Infections Naturally or Stopping it from getting Worse

The mouth is an important gateway to the body system. Symptoms affecting the mouth, teeth and tongue may not be taken serious by most people but can speak more about serious health issues in the body system.


There are much micro organisms in the mouth and the essence of cleaning the mouth is not only to remove decayed food particles but also to depopulate these bacteria from time to time. When this is not done, the gum can be badly affected.


There are different gum diseases but the commonest ones are gingivitis and periodontitis and can be treated naturally if you act quickly before it gets worse.


The Centers for Disease Control noted that over 47% of adults who are over 30 suffer from periodontitis.


Periodontal disease is a destructive condition that causes the gums to pull away from the teeth and may cause other problems such as weakened bones, loose teeth and eventual tooth loss.


It usually started from the inflammation of the gums, which is commonly referred to as gingivitis. Therefore, the prevention of periodontitis (the condition indicating an infection of the gum) starts with the prevention of gingivitis or correcting it at the early stage.


The main difference between gingivitis and periodontitis is that gingivitis is just an inflammation of the gum while periodontitis is an actual infection of the gum. Gingivitis usually progress to periodontal diseases but not in all cases.

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This is how to prevent gum disease from getting worse. Once you notice the symptoms, don’t assume anything, visit a dentist for a checkup and as a good oral practice, brush twice daily and brush correctly (45 degree), floss after eating sticky food, drink fluoride water or use fluoride toothpaste etc.


As the steward of your own teeth, you have to stay proactive in trying to prevent this from happening to you. These are some pieces of advice that can help you to minimize the probability of developing periodontal disease.


Rinsing and Flossing Daily

Flossing and rinsing are two of the best lines of defense that you can use to prevent periodontal disease. You should floss in between your teeth at least once a day. rinsing is something that you can do as many times as you deem necessary.


It’s a good idea to rinse after each meal, and it will be helpful if you rinse after you drink or eat anything sugary. This will prevent harmful sugars from having an opportunity to attack your enamel.


Brushing Before Bed and at First Rise

Brushing your teeth right before you go to bed and as soon as you wake up are also good methods for preventing periodontal disease.

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The correct way to brush the teeth is at a 45-degree angle and for two full minutes. If you can obtain an electric toothbrush, that will be very helpful.

Using a toothpaste that has baking soda and peroxide in it is another excellent idea. Those elements will provide you with an antiseptic and a solution that balances the bacteria in your mouth.


Cutting Down Sugar intake

Cutting down sugar intake is an excellent way to prevent teeth and gum diseases. It’s not just the sugars that come in contact with your teeth that harm them.

It’s also the sugar that gets into your system and adversely affects your immune system function. You don’t have to go cold turkey. You can try to wean yourself off of the sugar slowly.


Ingesting Proper Nutrients

Of course, ingesting the appropriate nutrients can help to ward off periodontal diseases. Water is crucial. You have to make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to stay hydrated, which will keep you healthier all around.

Calcium is a must for your teeth. Other nutrients that affect your teeth health are phosphorus, protein and vitamin C.




Smoking Cessation

Smoking is bad for your teeth in many ways. Obviously, it can cause staining and bad breath, but it can also cause a dry mouth, which creates a bacteria-friendly environment.

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Additionally, cigarette smoking stunts your healing abilities. You’ll want to cut that habit from your life immediately if you’re trying to take care of your teeth.


Frequent Dentist Visits

Finally, you want to make sure that you visit the dentist at least twice a year so that you can get the proper checkup.

The dentist will be able to spot a problem like gingivitis and help you to eliminate it before it develops into something more dangerous.

If you have a periodontal disease, a dentist can treat you for it and possibly reverse it.


As you can see, good dental hygiene and regular appointments with the dentist are crucial to preventing this disease. Contact your dentist at your earliest convenience for an appointment.


If you’re thinking of how to cure gum diseases at home without a dentist, there are primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of periodontal diseases but the safer and cheapest is to maintain good oral hygiene.


Following the aforementioned practices, you’ll be able to get rid of bacteria from your gums and cure gum infection at home without even using antibiotics.


However, if the problem still persists, you can help situation with antibacterial mouth rinse using Peridex and drugs containing Gluconate, Chlorhexidane, Listerine etc.


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