Top Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acid you can not Resist

The Health Effects of Omega 3

Health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids

The unsaturated omega 3 fatty acids are extremely important for an optimally functioning metabolism, hormonal regulation, cell health and blood vessels.


Omega 3 promotes and maintains brain performance

There are several studies that have revealed the fact that a good supply of omega 3 fatty acids to the body promote brain development in the embryo and fetus and also help older people to develop their cognitive skills and help to recall past event better in elderly.


A long-term experiment with rhesus monkeys was carried out at an American university; whereby, with the help of magnetic resonance tomography, it was found that older monkeys were more closely networked especially in the brain areas, which are important for the recovery of visual and other sensory impressions after being on a lifelong omega 3-rich diet.


The Comparison groups with an Omega 3 deficiency diet were rather weakly developed in the neural field. This supports the previous findings and assumptions that unsaturated fatty acids help to maintain mental fitness up to old age and may even counteract Alzheimer’s and dementia.


Omega 3: Help with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Even in the 1980s years, hyperactive children and adults found very low values for ALA, DHA and EPA in the blood regardless of the diet. It is possible that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has increased the use of Omega 3 fatty acids in recent times as in many cases, the disease would be a metabolic problem.

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Some studies suggest that a dietary supplement with unsaturated fatty acids is improving the symptoms but there are even more profound research.


Another problem with ADHD is that, its diagnosis is often very inaccurate and “lump-sum” and behavioral abnormalities in children can have very complex causes.

Omega 3 fatty foods

However, because Omega 3 can clearly improve the brain functions, with longer-term consumption, it may increase the concentration ability of both children and adults and children with ADHD-like symptoms are more relaxed and focused in playing and learning accordingly.


Omega 3 in pregnancy

A dietary supplement with Omega 3 in pregnancy makes perfect sense. It has been proven that babies from mothers who were adequately cared for before and after birth and during lactation are developing better, faster, and mentally sound.


They even learn to speak faster. The reason for this is the essential Omega 3 fatty acids, involved in almost all metabolic processes and they occur mainly in brain and nerve cells, where they perform important functions.


The supply during pregnancy is beneficial to both mother and the child. On top of that, the risk of premature childbirth with a better supply of Omega 3 seems to be declining because this dietary supplement also affects the hormonal balance and the risk of postnatal depression (also known as “Babyblues”) is reduced for the mother.

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Omega 3 against Depression

On average, every 8th person suffers a depression once in a lifetime. As with many other mental disorders, certain substances in the blood seem to be missing.

Depression is accompanied by permanent fatigue, passivity, sleep disturbances and depressed mood. In such cases, one often discovered a deficiency in Omega 3, especially in EPA and DHA.


Conversely, less depression seems to occur in countries with increased fish consumption. If these substances are absent, dysfunctions occur in the brain metabolism.

In contrast, if Omega 3 is artificially introduced, the depressive symptoms decrease significantly.


In many cases, a tablespoon of linseed oil per day would be good and above all, acceptable alternative to serious psychotropic drugs; at least some kind of first aid.


Some studies suggest that Omega 3 can significantly enhance the effect of antidepressants. Even the notorious depressions after a pregnancy remain with sufficient omega 3 supply to the pregnant mother.


  • Omega 3 fatty acids as a nutritional supplement for effective support
  • Treatment in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism
  • Treatment of Pain in Arthritis
  • Prevention and recovery of cardiovascular diseases
  • Prevention of dementia and rebalancing of existing deficits in cognitive performance.


Studies on Omega 3

Some studies clearly show the positive and healing effect of Omega 3 as a nutritional supplement.

Unsaturated fatty acids helped heart attack patients to recover and reduce the risk of recurrence. The Gissi Prevention Research group documented this in the late 1990s years.

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In the LipiDiDiet project, the positive effect of Omega 3 was the preservation of cognitive abilities in old age and prevention against dementia and Alzheimer’s.

The positive effects on mental fitness even in old age and a preservation of eyesight were demonstrated after a long-term trial by American researchers in the year 2014.


It was revealed that depression and other mental disorders are positively influenced by Omega 3 and it has been conclusively proven in a whole series of world-wide investigations.



For a while, Omega 3 was “in vogue” as a nutritional supplement and there are many critics who’re now talking about its universal healing effect.

In theory, the addition of Omega 3 fatty acids to various prefabricated foods and edible oils is rather harmful. The natural content in foodstuffs is usually sufficient, and the commitment of the choice of products is decisive. However, the importance of the Omega 3 for a healthy metabolism is undisputed.


A balanced diet and an additional absorption of omega 3 as a dietary supplement in times of special needs can help with many health problems; strengthens the immune system and keeps you mentally fit.

Numerous studies and experiences prove this. What do you think of this nutrient and our submission, let us know in the comment section.


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