Lupine Plant, Seed Oil Nutrition, Uses & Health Benefits

Application and areas of activity
The human body consists of 17 percent of proteins.

Thus, the proportion of proteins in our body is much greater than that of any other substance (except water).

Proteins are responsible for beautiful hair, for a firm and delicate skin, for strong muscles.

As proteins are also urgently needed for the production of antibodies, they are also of great importance for a powerful immune system.

In addition, many hormones and body-specific enzymes consist mainly of proteins.

Moreover, since proteins are the building materials of every single cell, there is no structure in the body that would not exist in any form of proteins.

Lupine seeds oil nutrition and benefits

Lupine Flour & Nutrition

Lupine is an excellent source of protein. Their carbohydrate and fat content is very low, with 3.3 percent each.

Their protein content, on the other hand, is very high with consumable 18 percent (18 grams per 100 grams, the actual proportion is 40 to 45 percent), so that lupine is already a very protein-rich food.

The flour of lupine is still richer in proteins due to the higher concentration of 32 to 41 percent protein (depending on the lupin type or manufacturer).

Despite its high protein content, the Lupin protein is a basic protein, since it is extremely poor in uric acid-producing purines, compared to animal protein sources and other legumes.

As a result of this, the Lupin flour can also supplement the Purine diet in rheumatic diseases.

Lupin flour provides all the essential amino acids that humans must absorb with food.

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The Lupin protein also has almost the same high biological value as the soy protein but without being genetically manipulated and without the other disadvantages of the soybean.

The fact that Lupin flour also contains abundant amino acids (lysine and tryptophan), which are sparsely contained in the cereals, is particularly noteworthy.

As a result, lupine complements excellent recipes from cereals and can increase their biological value enormously.

For this purpose, the recipe (for example of bread, cakes, cookies, biscuits, pancakes, waffles) simply replaces 15 percent of the flour with lupin flour.

The benefits are enormous: the carbohydrate content of the corresponding meal decreases and the protein quality increases.

Unlike animal protein sources, lupin flour is completely free of cholesterol.

Instead, it has a very high percentage of healthy unsaturated fatty acids (almost 85 percent of the total fatty acid quantity) and is therefore very suitable for people whose blood lipid levels are too high.

Lupine is also rich in beta-carotene and vitamin E.

Lupin flour therefore reduces oxidative stress with the antioxidant power of these vital substances and eliminates free radicals.

The Lupin flour is therefore a reliable and healthy protein supplier. It is suitable for the low cholesterol, the purinarme as well as for the alkaline diet.

The lupin flour also fits into the carbohydrate-reduced (low carb) and therefore particularly good for any health-conscious diet.

Using lupine as a substitute

Lupin flour can be stirred into drinks and enjoyed as a protein shake. Lupin flour can also be used for baking.

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As mentioned above, the Lupin flour replaces up to 15 percent of the total flour quantity of all kinds of recipes.

Bread and cake doughs are loosened with lupin flour and hip.

Lupin flour is also suitable as an egg substitute. Lupin flour can replace the soy in recipes where soy is included.

For easy protein ingestion, the protein tablets are made of 95% organic lupin and 5% organic potato starch.

Meanwhile, yogurt of lupin beans and finished foods are also found in similar known soya and tofu as meat.

The amount of recipes with lupins is increasing steadily.

In addition, lupin beans or lupin mass can always be used as substitutes for other legumes or tofu in formulations.

Lupine and Allergies

As with almost any protein-rich food (milk, wheat, soya), lupine can trigger allergic reactions for particularly sensitive people.

This is the reason people who have never taken lupine product should first test the with small quantity.

For example, lupine contains certain proteins that are similar to the proteins of peanuts.

Therefore, peanut allergy sufferers should avoid the consumption of lupin products, since it could lead to a cross-allergy.

However, tests have shown that Lupin and its proteins have no higher allergy potential than other legumes, such as peanuts, peas or soybeans.

Lupin benefits at a glance

Lupin beans combine a large number of important nutrients. Fiber, proteins in combination with amounts of starch and oil.

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Due to their characteristics, they are suitable for consumption for everyone (some allergy sufferers once left outside).

Your direct benefits are:

Weight loss

Thanks to the low fat and carbohydrate content in lupin beans, they help you to reduce your body weight .

Unlike many other dietary products, this is not accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger, as the fibers contained in the lupin beans impart a lasting feeling of satiety.

The urge to take unhealthy snacks to bridge between meals is thus leveraged.

Increased intestinal health

Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and other health ailments are often associated with a poor function of your bowels.

Many of them can be treated with lupin beans to a certain degree. The beans work like a probiotic and increase intestinal health.

A better function of the intestines leads to a reduction of the symptoms of constipation and other intestinal problems.



The fruits of lupine contain a large amount of arginine, a very important amino acid.

Arginine provides a lowering of blood glucose and cholesterol. People with chronically high blood pressure can benefit from the additional supply of arginine by Lupin products.



Lupin beans are not only an excellent supplier of proteins, they are also a very good source of antioxidants.

Regular consumption of beans or products from and with lupin beans therefore reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases.

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