Jiaogulan Gynostemma Penaphyllum Plant, Herb, Tea Extracts

Jiaogulan (Gynostemma Penaphyllum), the herb of immortality!
    Jiaogulan herb has been one of the secrets of the Chinese longevity for a long time and it’s health benefits on life is now exposed to the world through research.

The herb has different names that it’s called depending on the part of the earth you’re; so, don’t be surprised it’s still jiaogulan, with appraisal: the herb of immortality although it’s not the only herb that’s been regarded as that.

    Jiaogulan is also referred to as Jiao Gu Lan, Immortality tea, Xiancao,
Vitis pentaphylla, Ginseng du Sud, Jagulan Five Leaf Ginseng, because it has similar properties to ginseng, Penta tea, Herbe de l’Immortalité, Poor Man’s Ginseng, Gospel herb, Miracle Grass, Southern ginseng, Sweet Tea Vine, Immortality Herb, Fairy herb, Dolwe or Dungkulcha to the Koreans, Giao Co Lam in Vietnam, Cipo-doce in Portugal, Baan Ja Kahn in Thailand and Sencauw in Taiwan etc.

The Chinese herb, Jiaogulan has become increasingly popular in recent years under the name “Herb of immortality“. The effects of this medicinal plant can be compared with those of ginseng, even though they are not related at all.

Jiaogulan has been a herbal of folk medicine for thousands of years and therefore it is surprising that the Gynostemma Penaphyllum herb is not an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M).

It is the herb that is full of saponins, which are able to bind cholesterol, fight inflammation and improve blood fat values.

Still, Gynostemma Penaphyllum should have special meaning in colorectal cancer prevention and the jiaogulan herb is drunk as a tea and it has been a real miracle weapon.

Origin and history of Jiaogulan
Jiaogulan belongs to the gourd family and the Latin name is Gynostemma Pentaphyllum.

The medicinal plant is already known for thousand years and in 1406, it was mentioned by Zhu Xia in his book, Materia Medica by malnutrition.

The first recordings Gynostemma Penaphyllum were made in the Ming dynasty and it describes Jiaogulan as horrible and not nutritious.

However, the healing properties of Jiaogulan were mentioned only in 1578 by a herbal doctor, Li Shi Zhen. It was called, the helping herb for bleeding, sore throats, and heat or swelling and trauma.

Jiaogulan originates from ancient China, so from the southern mountain regions. There, it was used as a stimulant and drunk as a tea. Prior to the work, to get energy and after work, to relax.

The Jiaogulan tea was drunk to support the health and was regarded as a veritable Elixir for fountain of youth.

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Even for colds and lung problems, Jiaogulan was an important helper. It was called herb of immortality “Xiancao” and the people were of the opinion that, Jiaogulan would be better like ginseng.

It was later confirmed in scientific studies that, Gynostemma Penaphyllum has three times as many Saponins than ginseng.

In Trditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the  Gynostemma Penaphyllum medicinal herb was only known as immune tonic and sweet.

In many Chinese regions where the Jiaogulan is traditionally consumed as tea, the people have long life. In these regions, there are very many people who are over 100 years of age.

A scientist who was actually looking for a sugar substitute discovered Jiaogulan in the 70’s.

People became aware of the positive correlation between the Gynostemma Penaphyllum herb and the high age of the people; he did analyses of Jiaogulan and it became his sugar substitute and also found that, Jiaogulan tea was responsible for the fountain of youth, which is why people were so old.

Jiaogulan is known as a native medicinal plant in Japan. There, however, it is called “Amachazuru” and means “Sweet vine tea”, which describes the herb very well.

Jiaogulan plant was well known and popular as a vegetable and for tea in mountain regions.

The breakthrough of Jiaogulan
In the 70s, the breakthrough came then after a SATO Pharmaceutical University Professor, Dr. Masahiro Nagai, told of his discovery and investigations which were conducted.

While the scientists made it known that Jiaogulan had the same ingredients such as ginseng, but was a totally different plant.

Thus, further studies were induced where the other ingredients of exceptional plant came to light. Overall, 82 saponins were observed in the  Gynostemma Penaphyllum medicinal herb.

For comparison, ginseng contains only 28 saponins. Further studies on Jiaogulan were carried out in 1984 and the results went around the world, there the healing was so amazing.

Ingredients of Jiaogulan
As already mentioned, Jiaogulan has more than 82 saponins which is part of what makes it a true wonder weapon. They are not only responsible to prevent fungus growth, but they also have an anti-inflammatory property.

The secondary plant substances are even able to bind cholesterol and improve blood lipids.

Even in the prevention of colorectal cancer, these phytochemicals of Jiaogulan should play an important role.

Scientists previously felt that the vitamins in plants are so important and they were divided into “phytochemicals”.

But today, you are aware about these substances that provide large benefit, and are often more important than vitamins. Furthermore, Jiaogulan is rich in flavonoids.

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This group, which is extremely important, intercepts free radicals and supports cell regeneration.

Free radicals roam freely in our body and cannonballs are practical, because they shoot our cells. Although the cells can be repaired again, this will take a while and as we get older, the harder it is for our body to rebuild the cells again. The result is, of course, that this regeneration powers completely fail.

Unfortunately, free radicals can not be avoided in the body. However, a lot can be done to prevent them in their work. When you take enough food with antioxidants, free radicals can be as significantly reduced.

Flavonoids, which are available in Jiaogulan tea can reduce the risks of several diseases because of its antioxidant properties and antiinflammatory properties.

Also, Jiaogulan has high concentration of polysaccharides. A long series of simple sugars which are broken down during digestion and the body is supplied with energy in form of polysaccharides.

This also help in controlling blood sugar level since the sugar is broken down organically and the cravings for sweets is thus suppressed.

Jiaogulan tea therefore, positively affects your performance and this herb of immortality is also good for blood pressure, blood fat and cholesterol levels.

In addition to its capacity to slow the aging process, the consumption of Jiaogulan tea has cancer-inhibiting effect. Jiaogulan tea does not only has very spicy and sweet taste, it’s also beneficial.

Studies on Jiaogulan
Numerous studies were carried out on Jiaogulan, which produced outstanding results. Investigations showed that the herb has an adaptogenic effect.

They help the organism to adapt to stressful situations and favourable effects on the other hand, they are preventive against stress-induced diseases.

The study, which was carried out in the year 2014, for example, shows that the Jiaogulan tea can perfectly help against fatigue.

The researchers from China carried out this experiment on rats and further studies are still expected to validate this fact.

In another study which was carried out in Sweden, diabetics should prick up their ears because the scientists revealed that, Jiaogulan showed a rapid improvement in insulin sensitivity and thus, an alternative for diabetes type 2 patients.

The preparation of Jiaogulan tea
The leaves of the medicinal plant (Jiaogulan) in particular can be used to prepare tea. Traditionally they are carefully dried and kept, preferably in a dark place.

5 Jiaogulan leaves is put into little hot water in a jug and you can now remove the leaves after 10 minutes after which you can enjoy this valuable and very delicious-tasting tea as it’s warm.

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Would you like to buy Jiaogulan, even though it’s known to be have healthy nutritional facts, it’s however not easy to get even after this herb of immortality has been classified in 1991 at the International Conference on TCM in Beijing as one of the most valuable herbs, it is classified as a novel food. This means that, it is illegal until its safety has been proven.

Been classified as the novel food also means that, the food has been extensively traded before 1997 and not yet in the European Union (EU) because the food still needs an approval.

Firstly this costs millions, and on the other hand, this can take years. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to find this excellent medicinal plant in international market.

While one might think that Jiaogulan is dangerous. Basically Yes, although not for consumers–but for the pharmaceutical industry! Jiaogulan capsules, or also the plant itself, however, are completely legally available.

The good thing here is that, the medicinal plant can grow almost in all places and usually up to 1.5 metres high and needed no climbing aid.

However, the Jiaogulan is a suitable plant as a groundcover which can withstand any cold. Before the winter, it should be brought to a place, which is approximately 15 ° C and should not exceed it.

There are numerous studies that show that Jiaogulan has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Even if there are disputes about the legality of that naturally unsettles consumers, the herb of immortality is a fountain of true and valuable helper.

Of course, the pharmaceutical industry want to achieve no legality of the plant because it would make them lose much profits.

As an example is stevia, which was disputed for many years and the sugar industry has tried all means to prevent the approval of Stevia as a food.

However, the studies were so clear that there was no other choice here to admit as stevia. Similarly, even with Jiaogulan and actually the many peoples in central China, which have above an average number of hundred years, are enough as proof.

If you would like to feel the great healing effects of Gynostemma Penaphyllum medicinal herb and enhance your health, you should have try the tea at least once and convince yourself of the great properties.

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