Echinacea Plant Uses & Nutrition Health Benefits

Ingredients of Echinacea

The ingredients/nutritional contents of echinacea are present both in the herb and the roots.

However, they differ. A herb and root and the other varieties. In the herbal echinacea, the following active ingredients can be found:

  • Alkamide
  • Flavonoids, in particular Cichorienic acid
  • Polysaccharides (sugar compounds)

These agents in combination are responsible for the stimulation of the immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, they promote wound healing under the skin.

In Echinacea root, however, it contained the following active ingredients

  • Alkamide
  • Chichoric acid
  • Glycoproteins
  • Polyacetylene
  • Polysaccharides

These work excellently in combination and can be used against viruses and bacteria.

It has a very good effect especially on the combination between Chichoric acid and polyacetylene.

The active ingredients of glycoproteins and polysaccharides, however, are significantly involved in improving the immune system.

In addition, the Alkamide are anti-inflammatory and can inhibit as it has been proven in studies that, substances in the body, which are considered to be the trigger for inflammation.

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Echinacea uses and benefits

Studies on Echinacea

Echinacea has been researched for many years. This, the scientists found not only the ingredients of Sunshades but that which is good for the Immune system, promotes wound healing and even help several health complaints like Colds, asthma, and many others.

Still, it was found that the herb of the Purple Coneflower has very good effect on herpes simplex viruses and cancer.

Patients can also benefit from its nutritional contents to strengthen the immune system.

Also, following studies were conducted, which are not entirely unattractive:

This study, which has dealt so with the effects of Echinacea purpurea  on diseases of the upper respiratory system dating back to the year 2014.

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It could be found that the Purple Coneflower has an anti-inflammatory effect and as in the case of asthma, it can be used in allergic diseases of the respiratory tract.

Also, to prevent in respiratory infections, Echinacea is nearly ideal.

In a study from Switzerland in 2015, it has been proven that the herb can lower the risk of respiratory infections, as it has ntiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

In another study which was conducted in Taiwan in 2012, the researchers could determine that Echinacea has tumor-inhibitory effect on colon cancer.

However, more studies need to be conducted to authenticate the effect of cell growth in tumors.

Even studies about the echinacea effect in domestic animals have been conducted and this came out, that the hat could significantly improve the blood values.

Also noticeable immune-stimulating activities were found. But here too, further studies must also confirm this.

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Application of Echinacea

The hat can be used excellently for many disorders, particularly for colds. In doing so, globules, tinctures, or even tea can bring relief.

Echinacea can be used for the following health complaints:

  • Inflammation of the mammary glands
  • Colds, flu, respiratory tract infections
  • Cough
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Fever and chills
  • Skin rashes or eczema
  • Insect bites or snake bites
  • Autumn depression
  • Fatigue
  • compromised immune systems

Echinacea is used not only for colds or flu-like infections.

Purple coneflower is a helpful tool for purulent skin disease or inflammation.

During pregnancy, Echinacea can be taken to relieve cold symptoms. There are still no studies yet.

Sickly children or infants who time and again have infections, can also benefit from this herb. This was however still not scientifically proven.

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