Dementia – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Dementia is often characterized by progressive degrees of memory loss.

Dementia causes changes to the brain, and these changes can take a variety of different forms.


Causes of Dementia

Dementia causes are usually gradual. The problem starts out as just a slight forgetfulness or trouble focusing.

Over time, the symptoms can become much more severe.

Sometimes, Dementia’s causes are not noticeable until it reaches an advanced stage.

The causes can take many forms, so it’s important to understand them.

Dementia causes may occur at any age and include Parkinson’s, the disease that causes tremors, and Parkinson’s syndrome symptoms.

It can cause significant emotional distress for the patient.

Causes, symptoms, stages and Treatment of Dementia

Dementia symptoms are often seen in people who are middle-aged and older.

However, different types of Dementia Causes are often caused by different types of environmental factors.


  • Stress

Stress can be a huge part of the progression of Dementia, as can changes in the types or amounts of certain vitamins and minerals.


  • Infection

Some types of Dementia can also be a result of an infection and include herpes, genital warts, and scabies.


  • Genetic Disorder

In some cases, Dementia can be a genetic disorder, such as hemorrhoids or cysts.

Nerve cells begin to lose their ability to function properly once the brain cells begin to die – This is called degeneration.

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This type of Dementia Causes is caused by the failure of the body’s nerve cells to produce enough chemicals to perform their normal tasks.

Some examples of these chemical deficiencies include vitamin A, calcium, and potassium.


  • Lewy Body Dementia

Another type of Dementia Causes, which is Lewy body dementia, can affect any person of any age, although it commonly develops in elderly people who have had a stroke, and possibly other serious medical issues.

Dementia causes such as these may help explain why some people have more severe cognitive problems that do not relate to memory loss.

A person with Lewy body dementia may not remember names, but they can still use words and phrases, complete sentences, and perform basic tasks.

It may help to make lists of words that you frequently use, and to check your general memory on a daily basis.

Another solution is to get up and walk around, even if it is only for a few minutes.

Doing this may help your brain to stay more active and alert, which may help you to recall names or complete sentences.


Symptoms of Dementia

Cognitive deficits or problems with memory loss and related functions are usually among the first symptoms that people notice.

Some symptoms of this disease are memory loss, thinking problems, thinking ahead in time, lack of concentration, and forgetfulness.

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Other symptoms can be emotional disturbances such as depression, irritability, agitation, and mental breakdown.

Then, there are other types of symptoms that occur in people who suffer from dementia.

These types of problems can range from emotional and social disturbances to physical symptoms.

The thing to remember is that symptoms don’t always mean that you have dementia.

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Stages of Dementia Disease

Dementia causes memory problems in two different ways.

Early Stage

In the early stages, there are no symptoms at all, so you won’t even be aware that you may be experiencing memory problems.

The symptoms will include poor judgment, emotional outbursts, and poor communication skills.

One of the first signs of dementia is a change in behavior, which may include becoming less socially interactable or showing signs of having trouble performing everyday tasks.

Another sign is a severe decrease in the patient’s ability to perform simple tasks, like paying bills or operating the telephone.


Later Stage

Another type of cognitive impairment that can occur is a persistent inability to remember things.

A person may be able to remember their birthday, but forget the name of a good friend.

Dementia causes such severe problems that patients may start to lose their sense of reality and be unable to distinguish reality from fiction.

Dementia causes damage to the brain through a process called protein synthesis.

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This process involves building molecules, such as proteins, and helps them carry out a variety of jobs in the body.

The brain cells usually depend on this process to work and if there is a problem, then the cells could die and the brain will not function correctly.

There are many different types of diseases that cause protein synthesis, but one of the most common is Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a form of the disease that starts off as mild symptoms.

Over time, the disease progresses into progressive forgetfulness, increasing movement issues, and speech problems.


Treatment of Dementia

There are two types of treatments available for this disease.

If your family doctor diagnosed you with Alzheimer’s, you likely have a long road ahead of you in order to get treatment and to feel better.

You will need to make many lifestyle changes, including maintaining a regular sleep schedule and eating the right foods.

Treatment will likely involve some of the same treatments used for Alzheimer’s disease.

However, you will also need to have ongoing support, which can be very difficult to find.

It’s important to know what the early signs of dementia are because these are the stages you should focus on.

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