Side effects of Taking Chasteberry Fruit or Extracts

Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) or its extracts are generally safe for most people and can be used by both men and women, however, there are common side effects associated with its usage.

Chaste tree fruits are likely going to cause skin itching in most people if much of it is consumed. People who are allergic to some other fruits can also experience skin reactions when the chaste berry is eaten.

Chaste tree fruit, sometimes called Monk Pepper may interact with medications that act on dopamine, the motivation hormone and neurotransmitter in the body.


This hormone is associated with positive emotions in the body but the chaste berry is likely going to inhibit dopamine, therefore, it should not be taken while using drugs that are made to correct depression such as dopamine recovery inhibitors.

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Chasteberry should also be avoided while on Ritalin. Ritalin is a medication for the treatment of ADHD.

Chaste tree fruit could also affect estrogens or antiestrogens. Estrogens are used, for example, against menopause symptoms or contraception.

Chaste berry may not be suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers since it can counteract prolactin, the hormone that’s responsible for milk production in breastfeeding mum.

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Since chaste tree fruit may disturb the pituitary gland, any person with pituitary gland disorder should visit his doctor for advice before eating the fruit, or avoid it.

Chasteberry is also likely going to interfere with drugs that are treating breast cancer or birth control pills

Chasteberry extracts are made into tablets, capsules or aqueous-alcoholic solutions and are available in pharmacy stores.

Just like other drugs, an overdose is likely going to cause some side effects in the body, make sure you visit a certified physician on the dosage you should take.

In both tablets, capsules, and liquid, a concentration between 30 and 240 milligrams per single dose is considered good without risk.

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Chasteberry is safe but there are mild risks of taking too much of it such as headache, dizziness, stomach disturbance, an increase in weight and some skin reactions in some people.

In any case, a doctor should be consulted prior to self-medication with a chaste berry to improve symptoms because certain hormone-dependent diseases such as breast cancer or endometriosis could be countered.

In addition, interactions with other medications must be clarified. In puberty, pregnancy, and lactation, monk Pepper should not be taken.

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