How to Care for Children with Cerebral Palsy

How should you care for children with Cerebral Palsy?

Raising a child with cerebral palsy or having sibling with CP can pose some family challenges as it requires some positioning and handling techniques at home.

You’ll need a nursing care plan for cerebral palsy patient and their development delay, structured in line with the type of CP, severity and age of the patient in order to avoid complications.

In short, it requires the correct balance of planning, organization, and support for effective special needs behavior management.

One should handle the child with CP with the same or more care and love as caring for any other child.

It takes time, patience and adjustments to figure out a complete plan because CP may affect every child differently.

In school, it’s also important for teachers to learn how to support a child with cerebral palsy in the classroom.

Although, it’s more important that parent having a child with cerebral palsy go to the best school for children with cerebral palsy near them to enroll their kid.

How to care for kids with cerebral palsy

Improving children with CP with Assistive Technology

Physical education and occupational therapy are very important in improving the sensory activities of children with cerebral palsy.

There are several case studies revealing the benefits of simulation activities and simple pathophysiology nursing care for this group of kids in our society.

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For some magical improvement since there’s no yet reliable treatment of cerebral palsy and motor delay, there are assistive technologies and therapeutic toys designed specifically for cerebral palsy.

These are adapting toys for hands to improve handling of objects, puzzle toys, busy board toys, toys with buttons, switches and light – all to improve brain coordination.

However, selecting appropriate games and toys for a child with CP requires some degree of research and understanding.

Proper selection of games and toys will help meet the child’s unique developmental needs.

The correct selection of such toys will not endanger or frustrate them.

Toys, games and modified sports help them build skills and have fun at the same time.


What are the challenges of selecting toys for children with CP?

One of the major challenges of buying toys for children with cerebral palsy is deciding the right ones appropriate for their age and developmental stage.

This is because the manufacturer might not have labeled the recommended age range correctly for differently-abled kids.

For example, toys for ataxic cerebral palsy may not help much for quadriplegic child on wheelchair or spastic CP unless it’s multipurpose game.

Secondly, parents and therapists should pay close attention to the unique attributes of the toy like whether it can be used with limited motor function or while the child is in a wheelchair.

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What are the advantages of selecting toys for children with CP?

Children with CP can quickly develop strength, balance, concentration and focus by playing with toys meant for CP patients.

They may learn about colors, shapes, textures and sensory feelings while having fun.


What are the different types of Toys for children with Cerebral Palsy?

Here are some of the most popular types of toys for children with cerebral palsy.

You can buy these toys and offer as gifts for children with cerebral palsy.

Even some for teenagers with learning difficulties and the disabled.


  •  Puzzles with large pieces help children with cerebral palsy to build upper-body strength and coordination. They may cost around $10-30.
  • Stacking and building blocks help these children quickly learn about size, shape, balance, texture, color, etc.

They also build coordination and motor skills.

It also helps in increasing their grasping power and increase creativity. A block set may cost around $20.

  • Kinetic sand is a great option for children with CP as the sand’s unique texture and movement is soothing and engaging for these children.

Kinetic Sand is great for improving sensory stimulation. A pack may cost around $15.

  • Tobbles Neo’s set has a unique design and texture which makes it fun for children to play it again and again.
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It helps children with coordination, apraxia and hand tremors. The set may cost around $26.

  • Play Food and kitchen play sets help children with cerebral palsy to practice real-world tasks during playtime.

It builds their confidence, coordination, and motor skills. A set may cost around $30.

  •  Musical Toys and instruments help a child with CP to express emotions through music or dance.

Parents should encourage them to interact with their toys and make their own music.

This will help the child have fun and build skills as they experiment with sounds and rhythms.

The Mozart Magic Cube is a great option for children with CP, as it improves hand-eye coordination.

A cube may cost around $30. A 6-Piece music set consists of lightweight instruments for children with limited muscle movement.

These help them develop cognitive skills like timing, rhythm, and focus. A set may cost around $40.

Lastly, multi-functional balls help children with CP develop hand-eye coordination and a diverse range of motion.

Big multi-functional balls allow children to sit on them and develop their balance and strength. The price may range between $30-40.

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