Canola Oil Health Benefits vs Olive Oil

Canola oil benefits

Canola oil has a similar composition to olive oils and is therefore very much called olive oil of the north.

However, fewer monounsaturated fatty acids are included.

However, there may be more polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, saturated fatty acids, such as animal fats are not in it.

In particular, unsaturated fatty acids are of great benefits to the body.

It helps to lower the LDL cholesterol level in the blood and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

It should be noted that some polyunsaturated fatty acids cannot be produced by the body itself, but must be fed with the food.

Furthermore, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are contained in rapeseed oil, in a perfect composition.

These polyunsaturated fatty acids, for example, must be ingested through the diet, with the ratio of the two fatty acids crucial.

Canola oil health benefits

If you take up too much omega-6 fatty acid, this may have a bad effect on cholesterol levels.

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Therefore, the ratio of 2:1 (Omega-6-/omega-3-fatty acids) should be the same as in rapeseed oil.

With a tablespoon of rapeseed oil, the majority of the omega-3 fatty acid content can be covered.

It is the same whether the rapeseed oil is refined or cold-pressed, as in both oils the ratio is almost perfect.
But vitamin E and carotenoids are also included in rapeseed oil.

Vitamin E is above all a very important radical catcher that protects the cells of the body from damage that can be caused by free radicals.

Also carotenoids, but they also slow down the aging of the skin and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.


Studies on Rapeseed oil

In a study from the year 2014, scientists reviewed the influence of 50 g of rapeseed oil on liver enzymes, serum lipids and inflammatory reactions for obese men four weeks.

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The researchers found out that the consumption of rapeseed oil (compared with olive oils) leads to an increase in the extremely healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids.

But also the unhealthy LDL cholesterol could be lowered. The liver values could also be improved significantly.

It was also found that in the short term, the uptake of rapeseed oil is stimulated by the inflammatory messenger substances, but in the long run can counteract chronic inflammation.

Furthermore, a study from the year 2015 shows that cold-pressed rapeseed oil can also act preventively against cancer. In this study, the cold-pressed Rapsöle from the Iranian rape Hyola and Okapi were investigated.

As in the above study, it was found that cholesterol levels can be lowered and therefore also a preventive measure against cancer. In particular, the Hyola rape cut very well, as the variety of oleic acids was higher.

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Another study shows that rapeseed oil is already very well suited for infants. 102 Dortmund’s infants participated in this study, all of whom were admitted at the age of two months.

The parents of the infants had to give their children at least five times a week a vegetable-potato-meat-jar at the age of two to ten months.

Blood samples were taken from the infants at the beginning and at the end of the study.

The children from the experimental group had a higher omega-3 fatty acid content in the blood compared to the children from the control group.

In particular, omega-3 fatty acids are very important for infants because they are very important for the development of the retina, the brain and the immune system.

Especially rapeseed oil has been examined in more detail in recent years and numerous studies have been carried out, which can be seen here.

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